Tiffin Service Management App/Software | Manage Tiffin Business with Tiffin CRM

Tiffin Service Management App

Simplifying Tiffin Services

You'll love the way we done it for you! 😉

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New Age CRM
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Minimal Taps, Maximum Results
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Easiest CRM on Earth

Features & use Case

We help you in every Step

We are highly Focused on this niche and understand how can we maximise the help our app can do.

We Show you

What to Buy

You can check daily raw material need in Advance and plan the purchases of raw material accordingly.

We give you list of how much and which food to prepare for breakfast, lunch, dinner separately and collectively as well. You can change the date and look the details of food to prepare in upcoming days to plan the raw material and buy that accordingly.

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We Prepare list of

What to Prepare & Pack

Yyou can see the list of items to prepare for specific meal with number of servings. Order detail Wise list will help you to know what Exactly to Pack for each customer.

Same as you see details of upcoming days you can check what items to prepare with their quantity at home screen. it will by default listed as per the meal schedule but you can also play with timing and do better planing to prepare food for particular day. After preparing the Food you can go through the order wise details and pack the meals for your customers.

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We Give

Deliver Boy App With Zones Categorisation

You can deliver yourself or invite delivery boy to download the app deliver accordingly. They will access to deliveries only.

We have built specific screens for delivery boy which is optimized for their purpose. Admin can also view those screens and deliver themselves as well.

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You Enjoy!

Leave Accounting & Finance to Us

it Auto debit customer balance & calculate balances . it Also calculate your exact profit with revenues if you add expense entries.

You can see all the data including monthly bills, transactions, deliveris reports and your daily revenues, expenses, profits. Every data about your tiffin service business in one app.

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Customer Wants Report

We’ll Give it Along with Delivery Pause/Cancel Options

Customer can login and manage their deliveries, add balance, see transaction, and check reports.

You can share the imeals.in link with customers and they can login with their number and see their reports, transaction, upcoming deliveries, meals plans, pause delivery option, Your Upi Handle, Your Whatsapp number. They will get limited access to do actions.

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Some Cherries on Cakes

Fully on Cloud
Offline Access
Easy to Use

Worth Mentioning

Below Features are the most helpful features in our app

Create Order in

One Click for All Active Customers

It will be Applied to customers who are taking orders for that time and their order is not cancelled & they are active.

on the home screen of TiffinCrm you will find a powerfull button "Start Preparation" which will create order for all the customers who has active account With Active Meal. No further action need to be taken incase if you don’t want to cancel any delivery.

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On imeal.in Website

Customer can Pause + Cancel Deliveries & Check Reports

They can login with their number and do action related to their deliveries including cancellation of any specific day’s delivery.

You can check daily raw material need in Advance and plan the purchases of raw material accordingly.You can check daily raw material need in Advance and plan the purchases of raw material accordingly.

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Easy & Simple Pricing

Our Pricing is subject to change without any prior notification.

All Features


Upto 20 User


All Features


Not Launched Yet, User Base Pricing


Until Plan Launch

Frequently Asked Questions

You can always contact is to ask any query still you can refer to these faqs to get better knowledge of our product ..

1. What is TiffinCrm and What’s it use?

TiffinCrm is a comprehensive CRM (Customer Relationship Management) app designed specifically for tiffin service businesses. It streamlines various aspects of managing a tiffin service, including raw material requirements, customer management, deliveries, billing, and financial tasks

2. How can Tiffin Service App benefit my tiffin service business?

TiffinCrm simplifies and automates many tasks involved in running a tiffin service. It helps in managing raw material inventory efficiently, keeping track of customer orders and preferences, optimizing delivery routes, generating invoices, and maintaining financial records.

3. Is TiffinCrm easy to use?

Yes, TiffinCrm is designed with user-friendliness in mind. Its intuitive interface makes it easy for tiffin service owners and staff to navigate through various features and functionalities without requiring extensive training.

4. How to start using and set up TiffinCrm?

To start using TiffinCrm, simply sign up for an account on our website and follow the step-by-step setup process. You'll be guided through configuring your business details, setting up menus and pricing, and importing customer data if needed. Our support team is also available to assist you throughout the setup process, ensuring a smooth transition to our platform.

5. Can I customize TiffinCrm app to suit my business needs?

We offer a plethora of built-in customization options to tailor the app to your needs. However, if you find that you require additional features or specific customizations, we welcome your requests. Tiffin CRM is meticulously crafted to accommodate the diverse needs of all tiffin service businesses.

6. Is TiffinCrm suitable for small as well as large tiffin service businesses?

Yes, TiffinCrm caters to tiffin service businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a small local tiffin provider or a large-scale operation serving multiple locations, TiffinCrm can adapt to your business requirements.

7. Can I add my business expenses here? ?

Yes, TiffinCrm allows you to track and manage your business expenses efficiently. You can easily add expenses related to raw materials, operational costs, and other expenditures directly within the platform, providing you with a comprehensive view of your business finances.

8. Do I have to Add Daily Orders & Transaction?

One Click on "Start Preparations" and all orders will be created & amount will be deducted from customer's virtual account. You can set up recurring orders for regular customers or manually create orders as needed. Our platform adapts to your workflow, allowing you to manage orders efficiently without unnecessary daily tasks.

9. What is imeals.in, and how does it relate to TiffinCrm?

imeals.in is a user interface provided by TiffinCrm exclusively for your tiffin service customers. It allows your customers to conveniently manage their upcoming orders, pause their account during vacations, cancel specific deliveries or meals, and request edits to their meal via contacting you on WhatsApp. The platform also provides direct links to your WhatsApp for any assistance needed. imeals.in is seamlessly integrated with TiffinCrm, serving as an extension of the CRM platform to enhance your experience and streamline operations.

10. What functionalities are available to customers on imeals.in?

Customers can manage their upcoming orders, including pausing their account for vacations and canceling specific deliveries or meals. They can also request edits to their meal preferences and seek support via WhatsApp directly from the platform. However, customers cannot edit items or pricing, as data is fetched directly from the TiffinCrm platform. .

11. How can customers access imeals.in?

Only active customers of tiffin services utilizing TiffinCrm have access to imeals.in. They can log in using their credentials provided by their tiffin service provider. This ensures that only authorized users can access the platform and manage their orders and preferences effectively.

12. What is the pricing model for TiffinCrm?

TiffinCrm offers a flexible pricing model designed to accommodate the needs of tiffin service businesses of all sizes. We provide a free trial period of 1 month, allowing you to experience the full functionality of TiffinCrm at no cost. Additionally, TiffinCrm is free for up to 20 users, enabling small to medium-sized businesses to utilize our platform without any financial commitment.

13. Does Tiffin Service App charge any commission?

No, TiffinCrm does not charge any commission on transactions. We operate on a subscription-based pricing model, where you pay a fixed fee for access to our platform's features and functionalities. There are no hidden fees or commissions, allowing you to manage your tiffin service business without any additional costs.

14. Can I try the app before committing to a subscription?

Absolutely! We encourage you to take advantage of our free trial period to explore TiffinCrm and determine how it can benefit your tiffin service business. During the trial period, you'll have access to all features and functionalities of TiffinCrm, allowing you to make an informed decision before committing to a subscription.

15. Does TiffinCrm use or steal my customers or my data?

Absolutely not. TiffinCrm respects the privacy and ownership of your customer data. We do not use or steal your customers or your data for any purpose other than providing you with the tools and insights to manage your tiffin service business effectively. Your data is securely stored and accessible only to authorized users.

16. Does TiffinCrm offer support and assistance for users?

Yes, TiffinCrm provides dedicated customer support to assist users with any queries or issues they may encounter. Our support team is committed to ensuring that you make the most out of TiffinCrm and achieve success in your tiffin service business.